Career opportunity: Commercial ZEV Advisor

Bring your talent, creativity and experience to this unique opportunity. The Fraser Basin Council is seeking a full-time staff member to advise on commercial zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) procurement and coordinate activities in delivering a zero-emission Fleets program, including the highly successful Specialty Use Vehicle Incentive (SUVI) program. The Zero-emission Fleets program is a part of Plug In BC, managed by the Fraser Basin Council, and supports British Columbia businesses to adopt ZEVs and related charging infrastructure. This position will also coordinate other elements of FBC’s sustainable transportation program.
See our Position Description for details of this opportunity and how to apply.
The deadline for applications is February 10, 2021 (5:00 pm PST).
Plug In BC is a program of the Fraser Basin Council, working with government, industry, community groups, and institutions. It provides information and support around plug-in vehicles and charging throughout British Columbia.