CCI Fund Incentive Details

Planning Incentive

(Ended December 31 2012)

As part of the Community Charging Infrastructure Fund, twelve municipal and regional governments received support to partake in a planning process to help identify strategic locations for public charging infrastructure. The Planning Incentive provided financial support to cover 75% of eligibility planning costs, to a maximum of $6,000 plus an amount based on population ($0.10 per capita), not to exceed $75,000 in total funding. Regional districts, municipalities and First Nations in BC were eligible for funding.

Recipients were required to secure a minimum number of stations (one station per $1,000 received) to be operational by March 31, 2013.

Charging Stations Incentive

(Ended March 31 2013)

The Charging Station Incentive under the Community Charging Infrastructure Fund provided financial support to cover 75% of eligible costs related to the purchase and installation of a Level 2 (240 volt) electric vehicle charging station accessible for public or fleet use, to a maximum of $4,000 per station. Regional districts, municipal governments, First Nations, public institutions, non-government organizations and private businesses were eligible for funding.

There were certain requirements to receive financial support through this program, including the installation of standard signage, procurement of equipment from an eligible list of stations, and installation of the stations by March 31, 2013. (Some exceptions were applied).

Results of the program can be viewed here.

Other Incentives – Charge and Go Vancouver

The City of Vancouver Charge and Go plug-in vehicle (PEV) infrastructure field test aimed to demonstrate and test PEV charging infrastructure in key locations throughout the City of Vancouver.

The City of Vancouver worked with prospective hosts to develop charging infrastructure. The City shared project costs by purchasing EV charging stations and covering the costs of the first year of the network services associated with operating the stations. Hosts covered the installation costs and well as electrical and long-term monitoring costs. The City of Vancouver retains ownership of the charging stations in perpetuity.

Results of the program can be viewed here.