Economic Opportunities of EV’s in BC

The Province of BC recently commissioned a report that identified companies involved in BC’s CEV sector and opportunities to grow and expand economic activity in the sector. Over 190 companies and organizations in BC were identified throughout all aspects of the CEV supply chain which included vehicles and vehicle components, fuel and infrastructure and transferable technologies and services. The study presents competitive advantages to pursue, opportunities in the CEV sector, and challenges to address.  The CEV sector in B.C. is an example of an industry sector that is well positioned to capitalize on opportunities in the growing clean economy.

Key findings:

  • Direct employment of 3,850 full-time jobs
  • Indirect employment of 2,820 full-time jobs
  • Economic activity of $702 million, $137.6 million of which is export-related
  • Opportunity to add 1,400 more full-time jobs to the sector by 2020
  • Opportunity to increase export-related activity to at minimum $184 million by 2020

Read the report for more information.