Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations in Social Housing and Indigenous Community Housing: Challenges and Barriers

Do you live in — or do you manage — social housing or housing in an Indigenous community in BC? If so, we’d like YOUR views on transportation, specifically on electric vehicles and charging stations.
Take our survey!
Please take a few minutes to complete one of two surveys hosted by Plug in BC, a program of the Fraser Basin Council. One survey is for organizations/property managers and one survey is for residents. Tell us what you think about driving electric – and the challenges you think need to be overcome. The surveys are open until December 15, 2022.
The use of electric vehicles and charging stations is now low in some BC communities, even though provincial rebates are available. This is particularly true for people living in social housing and in Indigenous communities.
These two surveys are part of a Plug in BC research project to better understand the barriers people in all communities and housing types face when it comes to electric vehicles and charging stations.
We Value Your Input
Your participation in one of these surveys is important. We are planning some follow-up interviews too with multi-unit residential building owners, managers and residents. The survey form will offer each participant the opportunity to volunteer for a later interview – entirely optional, but much appreciated!
Survey results will be reported (in aggregate form) in a report on the Plug in BC website in early April 2023. We are looking for a strong survey response rate, so please take part and share the opportunity with others in your community!
Thanks You in Advance
As our small thank-you, each survey respondent can choose to enter a prize draw for a $100 gift card (choice of several vendors).
For questions about the survey or the draw, please email fleets@pluginbc.ca.
We are grateful to our funding partners, BC Hydro and BC Housing, and to our collaborative partners for their support: Aboriginal Housing Management Association, BC Non Profit Housing Association, and the Cooperative Housing Federation of BC.