Volunteer for the EV Test Drive Experience at the ELEVATE Vancouver Auto Show.

EV Ambassador Volunteers – Join the Emotive crew at this year’s ELEVATE Vancouver Auto Show, March 19-23.
Our volunteer EV Ambassadors will share their knowledge with attendees on the show floor, help with way-finding to the EV test-drives, and assist with collecting vehicle stats. Volunteers also get full access to the Auto Show.
Emotive conducts EV test-drive and demonstration events all over B.C., and the Auto Show is our biggest event with thousands of participants across 5 days. This year, we are joined by Plug ‘N Drive and RBC to run the test-drive area, which includes over 40 vehicles!
We are looking for volunteers to sign up for shifts throughout all days of the show. Most shifts are 3 hours; some are 2.5 hours depending on when the show closes for the day. Volunteers on the last shift of each day will only need to watch over the booth, answer EV questions, and take some time to enjoy the show. We will have a volunteer training session earlier in March so that everyone can become familiar with the show and the test-drive area.
If you attended least year’s Vancouver Auto Show or Fully Charged Live in September, you got to see BC drivers’ appetite for large EV test-drive events. This show will be even bigger with even more vehicles available.
If you have questions about this year’s event, please contact Michael Stanyer: mstanyer@fraserbasin.ca