EV Winter Videos from B.C.’s Interior

Car on snowy highway

As electric cars go mainstream in B.C., we get to see more examples of their use throughout the province, and throughout the year. Early adopters have been using electric vehicles in cold and snowy conditions a long time: even before they were for sale and could only be built with conversion kits. But now, we can see stories from regular B.C. drivers using electric vehicles for their every-day needs, including cold weather commutes.

In the winter of 2020, EV drivers from the Emotive community shared their experiences in the northern and interior regions to demonstrate that electric vehicles are viable, comfortable and financially sound. These short vignettes and interviews can be seen on the EmotiveBC YouTube channel. They include

The videos touch on the financial sense of commuting with an electric vehicle, the cold weather comforts of pre-heating without emissions, performance and reliability, the convenience of charging at home, and the overall viability of driving electric in their respective communities.

Normally, drivers like these would share their knowledge and perspectives by volunteering at Emotive test drives and demonstrations. That’s not possible now due to COVID-19, so content like this is crucial for connecting with those considering and electric vehicle and wanting to see examples in their own community.

These recent videos were filmed pre-COVID-19. Stay home for now, and get inspired for hitting the road when we’re clear to do so again.

If you would like to share your electric vehicle story, do so through Emotive’s submission form.

If you’re thinking about an electric vehicle for your next purchase and have questions about the electric life, ask and expert on the EmotiveBC website – or email us here: info@pluginbc.ca

Car in winter
Andrew lives in Nelson and has driven an electric vehicle for six winters.
A fully electric Nissan Leaf finds its way through windy mountain roads between Nelson and Kaslo, B.C.
Doing it all and doing it electric. Kris is a bakery owner in Clearwater B.C. and uses her EV for everything.
With Clearwater as his home base, Mike ventures out on fully electric road-trips to natural wonders: both near and far.
From running errands to snowshoeing, Lauren and her family are living the electric life in Prince George B.C.