Go Electric EV Charger Rebates re-open with $7 million in new funding

British Columbia’s Go Electric EV Charger Rebate Program for homes, workplaces and multi-unit residential buildings has been recharged with $7 million in provincial funding to fully reopen the program. EV charger rebate applications for single-family homes and workplaces will reopen on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023.

At the same time, BC Hydro will resume accepting pre-approval applications for the very popular “EV Ready” rebate offers, which support apartment and condo buildings to develop comprehensive EV infrastructure plans. These offers continue to be available in FortisBC Electric Service Territory.

See the news release here: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023EMLI0043-001640

See BC’s EV charger rebates here: Home – Go Electric BC (gov.bc.ca)

Looking to get starting with a charging project for your workplace or multi-unit residential building? Speak with a Plug In BC EV Advisor.